Polybench® for biosignals / reference 1.34.1
Indicates that a process is being started (which might take some time)



The STARTING action is issued by an acquisition device operator after it received the START action to indicate that it is busy starting.

An Action may use a Value and an Address
Value: optionally the SyncID of the object that is starting.
Address: not used


The STARTING, like the STARTED and STOPPED Actions comes in handy for data sources that take a long time to start, or that may fail to start. The STARTING Action is called if the starting procedure is currently in process. After STARTING, STARTED should be called if starting has succeeded, or STOPPED if starting failed.

The STARTING, STARTED and STOPPED Actions are automatically called from within a number of operators, although you may also use them in your project to indicate that a certain process has started or stopped.
Demonstrates what the action STARTING, STARTED and STOPPED can be used for. In this demo a spike is shown in a signal whenever one of these actions is 'heard'. You may also specify the SyncID of the object that is started, so that the spike is only shown when that object is started or stopped. Of course, normally you would not use this with a Signal Generator, because it starts immediately. But you may have a device which may fail to start, or which takes a long time to start. In that case you may use these actions to verify if a device is started.