Polybench® for biosignals / reference 1.34.1
Results in V1 raised to the power of V2 field by field



Raises the values of all field of every channel of input V1 to the power of the values of the same field in the same channels on input V2.

By default, this operator will not use complex calculation to determine the output, and will give an operation error when invalid input values (like -1^(0.5), square root of -1) are detected. If this happens, the last valid output vector will be put to the output.

If required, the user can set the ComplexOutput property to true, and this will allow the analysis of negative roots or of a complex number raised to a complex power.

Operator ports

Input V1: Any sample type. The connection is not limited to one type of signal.

Input V2: Any sample type. The connection is not limited to one type of signal.

Output V1^V2: Floating point value buffers


Find more information about changing properties here: "Properties Viewer"

type: True or False
Whether the output can contain complex numbers
Select one of those presets:
True or False
True may also be read like 'yes' and false like 'no'

type: Word or phrase
The name of the object in the project. This name must not contain '.', '$' nor '@' characters.

For more information about the rules and usage of the Caption property, please refer to "Caption property - background and usage".

type: See description
Optional documentation of this object. If this object is an operator, the Documentation text is displayed below the operator symbol.


If the ComplexOutput property is set to false (default), the operator will only use the real part of the incoming vector and will calculate, field by field, V1 raised to the power of V2.

The power operator detects invalid values, and will state an error message when such values are detected. If the power function results in an invalid value in any field of the vector, then the last valid vector will remain unchanged at the output.

The power function in the default setup results in invalid values, when:
- V1 is negative and V2 is a fraction (e.g. 0.5 or 2.3) in the same field, or
- when the result of the power is too large to handle.

If the ComplexOutput property is set to true, negative roots will evaluate to an imaginary output. The output is evaluated in the following manner:

If a specific field in V1 is specified to be a * e ^ ib (a complex number in polar form), and the same field in V2 is specified to be c + id (complex number in cartesian form), and you want to calculate V1 ^ V2, then the output will be the following:

V1 ^ V2 = (a^c * e ^(-d*b)) * e^i(d * ln(a) + b*c) (note again the polar form of this value).