Polybench® Reference
Results in 1 - S, or the inversion of a pseudo-boolean input signal

1 - S


Use this operator to invert a pseudo-boolean input value, where 0.0 means false, and 1.0 means true.

Operator ports

Input S: Floating point values

Output 1-S: Floating point values


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type: Word or phrase
The name of the object in the project. This name must not contain '.', '$' nor '@' characters.

For more information about the rules and usage of the Caption property, please refer to "Caption property - background and usage".

type: See description
Optional documentation of this object. If this object is an operator, the Documentation text is displayed below the operator symbol.


This operator is especially useful for calculations on pseudo-boolean control signals. Pseudo-boolen signal values are values that are defined to be boolean False if they are 0, and boolean True if they are greater than or equal to 1. If boolean values are defined this way, a logical AND operation equals multiplication, and a logical OR operation equals addition. The operator described here (1 - S) then equals a logical Inverter (True becomes False, and False becomes True).

Of course, this operator can also be used in other situations, and is not limited to do calculations on pseudo-booleans.