Polybench® for biosignals / reference 1.34.1
Background information about this manual

About this reference manual


This reference manual is a cooperation between humans and computers. The humans can do what they like, while the computers follow strict rules. If you find any errors or mistakes in this manual, then you can most often blame the humans.


Most of the original texts were written by Hilbert Koetsier. In 2009 tooling was added to the Polybench project to create technical documentation automatically. This ensures, that any technical information is always fully reflecting the current version of the software.

This tool, called the Manual Builder reads the source code of Polybench and gets any structured information for the user from that code (partly also using reflection of compiled source code). The developers have to take care that any features that are being used by the users are documented locally in the source code. This ensures that documentation and implementation are always together and stay synchronised. The manual builder is also able to take pictures from any dialogs and screens, and annotate them with numbers that are referred to in the text.

We (meaning the humans) are constantly working to improve this manual (the computers won't, as they are perfect ;-). Should you find any mishaps, or lack of information, please report to our support email address.